Sedation Services in Norton Shores, MI

Soothing Dental Sedatives in Norton Shores, MI

At SplenDent Implant Center, we understand that many patients have difficulty overcoming dental office fears. We are sensitive to our patients' worries and do everything possible to accommodate and comfort them, including providing dental sedatives in Norton Shores, MI. Do you get the jitters before a dental procedure? Contact us about the sedation available to you. Our team is thoroughly trained and certified to administer sedation and keep you comfortable.
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Treatment Benefits

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Ease Dental Anxiety

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Personalized Care & Treatment

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Pain Prevention & Reduction

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, or conscious sedation, relaxes patients before their procedure without putting them to sleep. Patients inhale nitrous and oxygen through a mask. After inhaling, they feel totally calm, but they remain conscious and will be able to remember their procedure after the gas wears off. Conscious sedation is commonly known as "laughing gas" because patients often feel positive and excited after inhaling. It is a non-invasive solution that wears off soon after your procedure, enabling you to return to your daily life quickly.
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Oral & IV Sedation

Oral and IV sedation put patients into a much deeper state of relaxation, but they are just as safe to use as nitrous oxide. Oral sedatives comprise benzodiazepines like Xanax and Valium. We will instruct you to take your prescription pill roughly an hour before you come for your procedure or treatment. After the pill sets in, you'll feel calm and relieved from any previous fear or nervousness. You probably won't remember your procedure, but you'll be conscious enough to listen and comply with your dentist. If you suffer from severe dental fear or conscious or oral sedation doesn't work for you, IV sedation will do the trick. With IV sedatives, our anesthesiologist injects you with anti-anxiety medication and monitors your breathing and heart until your procedure is complete. IV sedation entrances patients into a sleep-like state without putting them to sleep.
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Stay Relaxed During Dental Procedures

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